Описание плагина

Pivot project report - displays a summary of worked hours for project for certain period, where columns a project users (resources) and rows are project issues (tasks). Totals are also displayed: on row - total worked for the issue during the specified period; on column total worked hours by user for the specified period.
User Timesheet report - with possibility to chose user and period
Time sheet gadget - shows logged user' work load during the week.

Подробнее | Документация | Версии

<iframe width="560" height="370" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/u2R0oVD8KvM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<img src="http://www.teamlead.ru/download/attachments/65437982/LOGO_JIRA.png" width="30%">

*369* плагинов для JIRA

h6. Дополнительная информация
*Последняя версия плагина*: 2.2
*Поддержка платформы*: JIRA 4.4
*Тип плагина*: Two
*Путь установки*: jira-home/plugins/installed-plugins
*Статус*: Release Candidate
*Описание релиза*: Minor feature enhancements
*Тип лицензирования*: BSD
*Поддерживается*: Atlassian
    URL: www.adaptavist.com
    Phone: SLA Customers Only
    Email: help [at] adaptavist.com

h6. Полезные ссылки
Запросы в поддержку
Скачать плагин

h6. Версии
*2.2* Update for Jira 4.4 (27 июн 2011)
*2.1* more Jira 4.3 compatibility, minor improvement and code cleanup (28 июн 2011)
*2.0* Gadget for Jira 4.x (20 авг 2010)
*1.9* Upgrade for Jira 4.0 (13 окт 2009)
*1.8* Released on 2009-03-24 (24 мар 2009)